How we grow together

Business Leads & RFQs

  • Get all Business Leads on Your Phone anywhere anytime

  • Send Offer and manage Leads on your Phone

  • Convert Leads into real Sale more efficiently

  • Get customer RFQs and convert into Leads

  • Get all updates on Leads and RFQs real time

scrabbled scrabble tiles with words on them
scrabbled scrabble tiles with words on them
  • Plan all your Appointments

  • Plan all your Meetings

  • Get appropriate advance reminders

Meetings and Appointments

Unique Features:
  • 'Minutes of Meetings' option

  • Add Meeting Head option

  • Add Participants option

group of people sitting beside rectangular wooden table with laptops
group of people sitting beside rectangular wooden table with laptops

Chat option

  • Chat within Tasks

  • Team Chats special function

  • Chat within SubTasks

  • Get all updates and Notifications offline

person holding space gray iPhone X
person holding space gray iPhone X

Task Management

  • Plan Tasks

  • Create Teams

  • Create and manage Team Tasks

  • Unique feature of CHAT within Tasks

  • Special feature to create SUB-TASKS

  • More unique features like :

    • Assign Tasks to Teammates

    • Close-Revoke Tasks

    • Appropriate Notifications

woman placing sticky notes on wall
woman placing sticky notes on wall

Create Teams

  • Create unlimited Teams securely

  • Assign one Tasks to your Teams

  • Realtime Chat with your Teams

  • Complete your tasks more efficiently

people holding shoulders sitting on wall
people holding shoulders sitting on wall

Project Management

  • Create unlimited Projects

  • Create Team Tasks

  • Manage all your projects real time

  • Create timeline Charts

  • Mapped Project Tasks to regular Tasks

  • Gantt Charts

20+ years experience
500+ Target clients


  • Healthcare Companies
  • IT Companies
  • Automobile Industry
  • Pharma Companies
  • Real Estate
  • OEMs
  • Chemical Industries

Let's grow together !